Never Saw You Coming by KLS Fuerte

Author : KLS Fuerte

Never Saw You Coming is a very intriguing love affair. Beatrice, travels  from the sunny shore of Martinique a French Caribbean Island to cold but invigorating rural Hampshire.  She is the new French girl in town. Somehow when she met Edward it was love at first sight however what do you do when the man you love is no longer the man you once loved? What do you do when the picture perfect family is far from perfect?
Never Saw You Coming is the first of a trilogy in which KLS Fuerte touches on love, romance, trust, lies, death and illusion of happiness in marriage.

Beatrice is naive and in love.  Nevertheless all things considered, how far would she go to save her marriage? Would Edward keep his promises?
KLS Fuerte takes the characters and the readers on a journey with surprising twists and turns.
Would Beatrice resign herself and realise that  she is just living in  lost illusions?
I am looking forward to finding out!!  Can’t wait for  the next sequence.

KLS is a regular contributor for Quantum of Light magazine click here for her latest articles .

Never Saw you Coming- is traveling to America

We would like to congratulate KLS on the coming event in April 2019 in America.
KLS Fuerte has been chosen to have a book display at Los Angeles Times Festival of Books held at the University of Southern California to promote her book : Never Saw You Coming.
KLS Fuerte is one of 500 authors, chefs, musicians and artists that will take part in the book fair.
The two-day event held on the 13-14 April is the country’s largest literary fair.
Over 150,000 visitors are expected to attend the festival.

Lastly we wish her all the best.
Never Saw You Coming is available on Amazon

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Never Saw You Coming- What to do when the man you married is not the one you thought.
KLS-Fuerte-Never-Saw-You-Coming-love hurts when you invest-