Mr Wrong by Daniella Blechner

Author : Daniella Blechner


Mr Wrong , is a collection of experiences collated  by Daniella Blechner.  It is a succession of poignant  stories by women around the world depicting their everyday dealing with Mr wrong-

Daniella categories Mr wrong into various types. The encounters are funny but true to the heart. They give us vivid examples of how, as women, we attract the wrong partner.
Daniella has collated many experiences but she also shared her own. Those women who shared their stories have done so courageously.

The book

Mr Wrong is a brilliant book with honest insight. As for the reader it is an eye opener into a world of dating someone who you think is Mr Right. Only then to find yourself emotionally drained and wondering what just happened to you?

Are you dating men who leave you wounded and insecure?

It takes courage to realise and recognise that we must first love ourselves before loving someone else.
We have all encountered Mr Dreamer or a Mr Surfer.  How do we deal with him? Mr Wrong describes how to recognise and avoid such a person before its too late.  It also shows how to find the courage to free yourself from a negative circle of attracting men who are emotionally unavailable.

Mr Wrong is a funny, insightful and honest collection of experiences on exploring the reasons why women attract the wrong man. There is something for everyone with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

From my own perspective, the book helps me to understand my relationship with my husband and why it is important to communicate.

Daniella is the founder of Conscious Dreams Publishing. She is a book journey mentor and a bestselling author.  Daniella is also the author of  7 shades of Love. She has also helped many authors to publish their books.

Daniella has helped many authors to published their books : Make it Shine by Ingrid Dover-Vidal, Black Boy Can’t Fly? by Marcelle Roujade and many more.

Books are available on Amazon.

Mr. Wrong by Daniella Blechner- How to avoid dating Mr Wrong? Tips, experiences and advice.

Picture courtesy of Daniella Blechner


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