How to have a successful, happy and unique friendship.


Friendship is what keeps us going in good and bad time-

As we grow older hence wiser we slowly realized that the material things are not really that important. But our friendship is.
We want to treasure our old friends . Recently I have a desire to reconnect with some forgotten friends. Life has been busy with children, work, mortgage and building up new friendship.
Did I put so much emphasis on new things that I forgot to solidify the old commitment ?

Friendship today

People we know from our younger days can be our best friends and a friendship that can last a long time-

Today I would like to talk, to sing, to laugh with an old friend. I want to be able to call my old friend without a scheduled call.  Easily pick up just where we left all those years ago.
Just the way it used to be, do you remember,  a knock on the door and out we went eating pancakes and ice-cream without a thought about our waistline.

A chicken soup friend

chicken soup friend that are always there for you

I loved when we got together in a beautiful kitchen where food was always the focus.
I missed the laughter, the talk, I missed those time when true friendship was fortified. When you have a friend you know you can call at any time she will come to the rescue.
A chicken soup friend who will listen and never judge- a friend who will not be afraid to tell you what you do not want to hear. A friend that will fight with you .

The precious nature of friendship

Friendship is fun, challenging, having your friends around you in primordial to your

I have been thinking about the precious nature of friendship, specially the one you built before you got married and found that there is something unique about  the friends you make when you are young. It is simple, pure, easy and most of all funny.
Today I am doing just that,  going to see an old friend and just like an old love we are going to rekindle that friendship.
I have wonderful friends but there is always the friend that you have before you grew up before becoming a spouse and a mother. The one that knows you best.

Do you have a friend from your childhood?
Are you still in touch?
Share your story with us.